Elevator Readers
This topic covers functionality related to Elevator Readers/Floors, including sending user commands to control floors and schedules, to view video from linked cameras, and retrieve and export activity history.
About the Elevators Page
The Elevator Reader page allows the user to view video and retrieve/export activity history for an elevator reader, as well as send user commands to a selected floor.
Configuration: Elevator Floors (floor relays) are configured or mapped in the main system programming screens.
The following operations can be done from the Elevator Reader page.
View Video (Live or Search) for a selected reader.
Send user commands to a selected floor
(Pulse Floor, Early On, Early Off, Cancel Early On, Cancel Early Off, Refresh Status ). -
View Reader Activity History for a selected reader.
Export Reader Activity (Excel or PDF ) for a selected reader.
The user cannot change the elevator programming, schedules, floor mapping, or elevator reader properties from LaunchPoint.
- The user login account must have the appropriate security-level to open the Reader Properties page.
- The user login account must have permissions to issue user commands.
- The floor mapping and any elevator schedules must be created before commands can be issued.
- External software must be installed to view reports in exported formats.
There are two ways to open the Elevators page .
Side Menu: select "Hardware" menu and select Elevators.
Dashboard: select 'Hardware' Tile (under Configure section) and select Elevators.
× Hardware icon (from sidebar menu)
How to View Video from Elevators Page
User can view video from the Elevator Page by clicking the Video button.
Select the desired Loop/Cluster - at the top left of the page.
Select the desired Reader - in the reader list.
Click the Video button - at the end of the row of command buttons.
In the View Video popup, choose "Live" or "Search" from the droplist.
Notice: if you see the "Contact System Administrator" message, your session may have timed out. Close the message and re-login to LaunchPoint. Reopen the Elevator page and select the Video button.
Click Show Video to open the VMS login page.
Sign into the VMS webpage with valid login credentials.
Note: the login page will display for the brand of VMS System you have.
The VMS Camera will display live video (or recorded), based on your selection.
Send User Commands to Relay (Floor)
User commands can be sent to elevator relays (floors) from the Elevator page.
Select the desiredLoop/Cluster.
Select the desired Reader/Door.
Select (check) the Floor Relay(s) that you want to command.
Note: Relay status is reflected by the color of the text.
Red Relay text = OFF. Black Relay text = ON.
Send the user command as desired ...
Pulse Floor
Early on / Early off
Cancel Early on / Cancel Early off
Refresh Elevator Status
(See each command below)
This command sends a pulse (momentary unlock) to the selected relay.
Clicking the Pulse Floor button will send a Pulse command the selected relay.
These commands allow the user to turn the selected relays on (or off) before their assigned schedule takes effect - i.e., turns relays on or off early.
Click the Early On button = to send a Early On the selected relays.
Use this command on relays that are OFF, to turn them on early.
Click the Early Off button = to send an Early Off the selected relays.
Use this command on relays that are ON, to turn them off early.
These buttons will cancel the Early On or Early Off command you previously issued. You must select the relay to issue the command.
Clicking Cancel Early On sends Cancel Early-On to selected relays.
Use this command to remove an Early On command.
Clicking Cancel Early Off sends a Cancel Early-Off to selected relays.
Use the command to remove an Early Off command.
The Elevator page is not live. This command refreshes the Elevator page to ensure you are seeing the correct relay statuses.
Clicking Refresh Elevator Status sends a Refresh command to the page/relays.
Use this command to update the relay list and see the current status of all relays.
View Reader Activity History
User can view the Activity History for one reader at a time.
The history can be viewed online or exported to an Excel file or PDF file.
- Select the desired Loop or Cluster.
- Select the desired Reader.
- Enable (check) the View History checkbox to open the Activity History page.
- Enter the Start date/time.
- Enter the End date/time.
- Select the Event Types as desired.
"check" will include the event type in the report.
"uncheck" will exclude or omit the event type from the report.
the Select All checkbox can be used to toggle on/off all the events.
When checked, the report will include all the activity that occurred at the reader within the start and stop dates.
Click the Get History button to retrieve the data.
The user can control how many events display per page - 22, 55, 99.
At the bottom of the page, set the Number of Items per page
Use the page droplist to select a page to display.
Click the GO button to advance to the selected page.
Export Activity History Report
The user can export the Activity History Report to Excel or PDF output.
- Select the desired Loop or Cluster.
- Select the desired Reader.
- Enable (check) the View History checkbox to open the Activity History page.
- Enter the Start date/time.
- Enter the End date/time.
- Select an Event Type as desired.
"check" will include the event type in the report.
"uncheck" will exclude or omit the event type from the report.
the Select All checkbox can be used to toggle on/off all the events.
When checked, the report will include all the activity that occurred at the reader within the start and stop dates.
- Click the Get History button to retrieve the data.
- Click one of the following buttons to export the report ... or the PDF button to export the report to a file.
Click the PDF button to export the report to PDF file.
RESULT: the Activity History will open in the PDF Viewer that is installed on your computer.
Click the Excel button to export the report to Excel file
RESULT: the Activity History will be generated in an ".XLSX" format and downloaded via your browser. The exported file can be found in the browser's Downloads folder.
NOTICE: the Excel software may need to be installed, running, and logged-in before the report is exported. If you encounter error messages, try launching excel before you export the report.
IMPORTANT: Go ahead and open/review your exported file to verify your event history was really exported before you leave the LaunchPoint Activity page. Some errors may not be noticeable until you attempt to open the file and look at the contents.