Event Overview
This topic provides an Operation Overview of the Live Events page including Prerequisites .
Overview of Operation
The Live Events page and Alarm Events popup allow an user to monitor real-time events and alarms that occur from system activity.
System events are logged to the Events page whenever readers, doors, inputs, controllers, boards, etc. are actively transmitting events in the system. If any of these system events (or their associated hardware) are programmatically configured to identify an alarm event, then the system will log those alarm events to the Alarm Events popup.
Prerequisites & Notes
Users must have the appropriate account permissions to view events and alarms (configured by system administrators).
Users must have permissions and a VMS system login/account to be able to view video from linked cameras.
The Process of Operating the Events Page
This section describes the top-down process of using the Events Page. This will describe what users can do in the Events page.
- To see live events, you must set up the 'event types' and 'devices' you want to include (see Configure Settings).
- To see live alarm events, you must set up the 'alarm types' and 'devices' you want to include (see Configure Alarms).
- Once the settings are configured, the events and alarms will start logging/displaying.
- Event Functions: the user can interact with the individual events to do things like ...
- Add Card Button ('Not In System' events only)
- Forgive Passback *
- Disable Cardholder *
- view photograph *
- view properties * (cardholder)
- view video * from the associated camera
* The context menu is dynamic - which means some commands are conditionally disabled based on the type of event selected ( i.e., card event vs. door event, schedule event, etc.).
* some options are conditionally available in the context menu based on the type of event - i.e., card/reader event.
- Alarm Functions: the user can interact with the Alarm Popup* to do things like ...
- Ignore button (individual alarm)
- View Video1 button (individual alarm)
- Ignore All button (applies to all alarms)
- Acknowledge All button (entering an user text message may be needed - configurable)
Note: Ignoring or acknowledging an alarm will stop the associated audible alarm beeper. Acking / ignoring all alarms will stop the alarm beeper for all incoming alarms that are currently displayed. New alarms may start a beeper again.
* the Alarm popup will not open if alarm events are not configured to display in the Settings and Alarm Activity Settings windows.
1 - the Video Viewer Login page will open only if a camera is linked to the device causing the alarm. User must have a valid VMS login with permissions to view the camera.
- The Event page will continuously log events and alarms until the page becomes idle or inactive for too long (meaning unattended).
The incoming events and alarms do not count as user activity or attendance in the page.- User activity is when an user clicks interactive features on the Events page or Alarm window; such as clicking buttons or menu commands .
- When the page becomes inactive/idle, LaunchPoint will start an audible countdown timer (beeper).
- Choose "Stay Logged In" before the countdown timer elapses, or the event and alarm logging will be interrupted.
- If the user does not choose to stay logged in, the page session will become disconnected. The user Login will time-out.
- The user can close the Events page (browser tab) to stop monitoring the events.

LaunchPoint is able to log real-time incoming events and alarm events to a Live Events page and Alarms Popup window.
The Live Events page: allows the user to continuously monitor system activity in a separate browser screen (tab) that uninterrupted by other features and screens.
The Alarms Popup Window (modal): allows the user to continuously monitor incoming alarm events in the same Events page (tab) and manage those alarms from the popup window.

The Live Events page opens in a new browser tab and functions independently from other LaunchPoint screens and features. This allows an user to monitor events and alarms while the main Dashboard page remains open for other functions.
In the Live Events page, an user can do the following ...
continuously monitor events and alarm events (configurable)
send commands using the command buttons and menu options
Note - the context menu is displayed by clicking on an incoming event message in the Event column of the events table.
See more on User Commands for list of commands.

The Live Events page (browser tab) will continuously log events and alarms until the page becomes idle too long.
LaunchPoint considers activity to be when the user clicks elements within the Events page, such as buttons, options, or user commands.
Page Unattended Alert! LaunchPoint will sound an audible beeping signal and displaying a countdown timer messagebox that requests the user to "respond" and confirm the page is still being monitored. If the user responds, the live events will resume logging to the Event page. If the countdown timer elapses, the events are stopped and the Events page is closed.

When Alarm Events occur, LaunchPoint opens the Alarm Event popup (modal window) that displays in the foreground of the Events screen. The incoming Events continue to log in the background.
Alarm Events may also sounds an audible "beeping" signal on the computer speakers when an alarm occurs.
If user resolves an alarm, the correlating beeper will stop.
If the user ignores-all or acknowledges-all alarms, then all beepers should stop for the current alarms.
If the beeping restarts that means a new alarm has been detected that is not resolved.
NOTICE! Configuration of Alarm Activity Settings is required to choose which Alarm Events you want to see. Therefore it is possible to filter out some of the Loops/Clusters, controllers, or devices in the system.
NOTICE! Computer speakers must be available to play audible feedback. Alarm signals may not be audible if headsets/headphones are connected.

The user can choose to resolve alarms individually or all together by using the ignore or acknowledge buttons.
If the user chooses to acknowledge an alarm, the Acknowledge Textbox may open. The user can enter any text about the alarm as needed (configurable).
NOTE: The user can also View Video from the camera that is linked to the hardware that is triggering the alarm.

The event screen (browser tab) will display a up to 500 events in the browser window.
The user can adjust how many Events to display per page and then chose which page to see as the buffer fills up.

You must configure the Events Page to display the events you want to see in the Settings window.
Checked = display the event when it occurs.
Unchecked = do not display the event even if it occurs.
Event Types
Activity = is any type of activity in the system that occurred at the selected reader(s).
Alarm = is any type of system alarm that occurred at the selected reader(s).
Not in System = is a not-in-system that occurred at the selected reader(s).

See the LIVE EVENTS & ALARM LOGGING EXPLAINED section if you are new to the Event Viewer.
To open the Event Log Viewer, go to the Dashboard screen and click the View Events tile, under the Configure section.
Or open the Event Log Viewer from the left side Menu.
Click on thumbnails to open and close them.
- Click the Settings button in the Event screen.
- Select any combination of Readers you want to see events for.
- Select any Event Types you want to see.
there are several types, including activity events, alarm events, and not in system. - Click Save button to save your choices and close.
- In the Eventscreen, choose the number of events you want to display per screen.
there are 3 choices ... 100, 250, 500. - Click the Go button to pull the Log Report.