Loop Diagnostics
This topic covers how to execute diagnostic commands in the Loop Diagnostics page and related information.
Loop Diagnostics Overview & Prerequisites
How to Send a Diagnostic Command
Available Commands (Diagnostic use)
Loop Diagnostics Overview & Prerequisites
The Loop Diagnostics page allows an user to send diagnostic commands to all online controllers within a chosen Loop/Cluster.
- The user login account must have the appropriate security-level to open the Loop Diagnostics screen.
- The user login account must have permissions to issue user commands.
NOTICE: Controllers cannot receive diagnostic commands while they are offline (shaded red). Controllers must be online to respond to diagnostic commands.
How to Open the Diagnostics Page
There are two ways to open the Loop Diagnostics Page ...
Side Menu: select "Loop Diagnostics" menu icon or option.
Dashboard: select 'Diagnostics' Tile (under Configure section)
When the Loop Diagnostics Page opens, it will be empty until the user sends a command to a loop/cluster. (Offline controllers will not return data, but they will display in the list shaded red.)
Send a Diagnostic Command
The user can open the Loop Diagnostics page from the Side Menu or the Dashboard Tile.
When the Loop Diagnostics window opens, no data will be showing.
Select the LOOP/CLUSTER you want to operate on.
Select the COMMAND you want to send.
Click the EXECUTE button to send the command to the chosen loop/cluster.
Click Close to dismiss the Success popup message.
Notice that offline panels (shaded in red) will not respond to user commands.
The Loop Diagnostic page will display the results for each online controller in the selected Loop/Cluster.
The offline controllers are shaded in red to indicate that those panels are offline.
See Available Commands (next) for instructions on each user command.
Available User Commands
This section covers how each of the user commands work.
Executing a Get Card Count command will send a card count request to each online panel in the selected Loop/Cluster.
(offline controllers cannot respond)
USER TIP: This command is useful to determine if the expected number of cards are in the controller.
For example: if you know 50 employees should be in a controller for access permissions to a specific door, and the card count is lower than 50, then you know that some of your cards are not loaded to the controller yet - for some reason.
Things you can do to troubleshoot this situation ...
You should reload all the data to the controller and recheck card count.
FYI: You get a Not In System message when a card has not been enrolled in the system (thus you need to enroll the card and give it access).
FYI: You get an Invalid Access message when a card is not in the controller for some reason, or is in the controller but doesn’t have access to the door (access group) at the time the card is being presented (schedule). Be sure all data has been loaded to the controller, and the Cardholder's access card has been given permissions to the loop/cluster, and is assigned to an access group that includes the door in question for the time period (schedule) that is needed (see Cardholder programming (assigning locations and access permissions), Access Group programming, and Schedules programming. Be sure the card and cardholder are active in the Cardholder programming (cardholder information and card data).
RESULT: the "# of Cards" field displays the number of cards each controller currently contains in memory.
Executing a Get Hardware Information command will retrieve the hardware data from each online panel in the selected Loop/Cluster.
(offline controllers cannot respond - as shown red shading in the image below)
Fields of Interest
Number - (numeric) controller ID / unit ID
Model - (numeric) identifies the CPU board model number (600/635).
Serial Number - (numeric) CPU Board serial number
Flash Version - the current s28 Flash version running in the CPU
Last Reset - (status) Warm or Cold Reset, whichever was the last done.
Extended Card Mode - (yes/no) identifies whether the controller is operating in extended card mode.
Crisis Mode - status - shows whether crisis mode is active or inactive.
Red shading means the controller is programmed in the system but is offline currently.
RESULT: the fields in the table display all the data stored in the controller (except card count).
The offline controllers are shaded in red to indicate that those panels are offline.
Executing a Get Logging Information command will retrieve the controller log data from each online panel in the selected Loop/Cluster.
(offline controllers cannot respond)
Fields of Interest
Logging Enabled - (yes/no)
Logs Not Acked - (numeric) number of logs not acked.
Logs Not Sent - (numeric) number of logs not sent.
RESULT: the fields in the table display the logging data from the controller (in last three fields).
The user can "Activate Crisis Mode" or "Reset Crisis Mode" for controllers in a selected Loop/Cluster.
(offline controllers cannot respond)
IMPORTANT: See the Crisis Mode topic for instructions about activating Crisis Mode using the Crisis Mode Button to issue a Crisis Mode Command to all the loops/clusters in the system simultaneously . Sending a crisis mode command from the Diagnostics page can only be done for one loop/cluster at a time, which may not be as quick as you need in a real crisis situation.
USER TIP: You can use the Diagnostics page to test or verify and diagnose how crisis mode is behaving in your system from the Diagnostics page - which may helpful when validating the implementation of your crisis mode programming .
Fields of Interest
Controller Name - will be in red text if crisis mode is active.
Crisis Mode - (status) indicates if Crisis Mode is "active" or "inactive" at a controller
RESULT: When user Activates crisis mode, the controller name is red and Crisis Mode status is "Active".
Only the online controllers in the selected loop are activated - see Crisis Mode topic on how to use the crisis mode button to activate crisis mode system-wide.
RESULT: When user Resets crisis mode, the Crisis Mode field returns to "Inactive" status.
Executing a ping command will send a ping to each online panel in the selected Loop/Cluster.
(offline controllers cannot respond).
Fields of Interest
Number - (numeric) controller ID / unit ID
Model - (numeric) identifies the CPU board model number (600/635).
Serial Number - (numeric) CPU Board serial number
Flash Version - the current s28 Flash version running in the CPU
Last Reset - (status) Warm or Cold Reset, whichever was the last done.
RESULT: the data for each available field is populated for each controller in the selected loop/cluster.
You can verify the individual controller by the CPU Board serial number