Using the Search Panel
Task: Use the Search Panel to find an existing cardholder in the system. This is done by opening the Cardholder List, and entering search criteria into the Search Panel that will retrieve the desired cardholder record(s).
How the Search Panel Works
The search panel provides several different search filters to narrow your search results.
Searches are controlled by two fields - i.e., the Search Criteria droplist and the Search Value field. The user can simply select the Search Criteria and enter a search value.
The Search Criteria droplist - allows the user to choose the method of the search and controls the format of Search Value field
The Search Value field - allows the user to enter the value for the chosen Search Criteria; such as text value for cardholder name, or a droplist of system-defined options, so you can pick the exact value in the system.
The following Search Methods are the available ...
Retrieve the unfiltered Cardholder List by clicking Search without any criteria.
Find a Cardholder by Name (default) - returns only the cardholder records that meet the criteria given.
Use Advance Search to filter cardholders by unique criteria - returns only the cardholder records that meet the criteria given.
Use the A-Z index tabs on the right edge of the Cardholder List to pop to a specific location in the cardholder list.
The Cardholder must already exist. Using the Search Panel you can determine if a cardholder record already exists.
The data criteria that you search for must be valid and really configured in the cardholder you are seeking.
The LaunchPoint user/user must have the privileges to view, edit, and save changes in the cardholder screen.
How to Control Search Results
The Search Panel provides several ways to control your search results.
You can query the database to find one cardholder or a group of cardholders that meet your criteria.
The Search Panel uses the "inclusive match" method. This means the result-set will include one or more records that match your criteria and will exclude every record that does not meet the criteria.
Each search method is effective in different ways.
- All Cardholders (unfiltered) - this method returns the entire list of cardholders - i.e. by clicking Search without entering criteria.
( The results are unfiltered. You will use the scroll or the A-Z Index to locate your cardholder. ) - Name Search Criteria (default) - this method filters the cardholder population by First Name or Last Name as the search criteria.
( The results will include/exclude cardholders with alternate spellings or similar names depending on what Search Text you enter. ) - Advance Search Criteria - this method refines search results by a unique criteria.
( The system will cull out cardholder records that meets the unique criteria). - A-Z Index - this feature lets you find a cardholder in a large result-set by clicking the letter on the A-Z Index strip that the name starts with.
( Use this to locate a record when the search yields a large result-set of dissimilar names. This is useful when search efforts fail because the name is misspelled or the criteria is unknown. Sometimes it is easier or faster to pull back the entire cardholder population)

The Search Panel allows you to retrieve the entire cardholder records by clicking the SEARCH button without entering any criteria. Once you retrieve your results, you can use the scroll-bar or the A-Z Index strip to navigate your results.
RESULT: The system will return the entire cardholder population.
PROS: It might be the fastest/easiest way to find your cardholder when you have a small cardholder population - or other methods failed.
CONS: If you have a very large cardholder population, the system may take some time to populate the Cardholder List page.

By default, the Search Panel provides a Search Criteria droplist with two criteria - i.e. First Name and Last Name.
RESULT: The system will return only the records that match the name provided in the Search Text field.
PROS: You can easily find a cardholder by name without retrieving the entire list. Widening your results will catch similar spellings.
CONS: Narrowing the search criteria too much will omit names that use an alternate spelling and possibly misspelled names.
TIP: To ensure your success, similar or varied spellings need to be considered when providing the Search Text.
To narrow your results, enter more letters. The more letters you enter, the more narrow your results will be.
To widen your search results, enter fewer letters. This can catch alternate spellings.
Entering "Johnson" will greatly narrow the results to people named Johnson; but it omits alternate spellings Jonson, Johnston or other names Johnathan.
Entering "J" greatly widens the results to all names starting with J. This could be a big list.
Entering "John" will narrow results to John, Johns, Johnson, Johnston, Johnathan; but still omits alternate spellings Jon, Jonathan, Jonson.
Entering "Jo" will widen the search to catch alternate spellings of John, Johnathan, Johnson, plus Jon, Jonathan, Jonson, as well as other names such as Joseph, Joshua, Joel, Jones.

The Search Panel provides an Advance search criteria checkbox. This option fills the Search Criteria droplist with a list of different criteria, such as card code, department, etc. so you can use a different piece of information, such as the department they belong in.
Reasons to use this method:
- You might need to find any and all cardholders who fit a certain criteria - such as those in a certain department, or hired after a certain date.
- You may not know the name or spelling of a cardholder, but you know a different piece of criteria to search by.
RESULT: The system will return only the records that inclusively match the selected criteria and the value provided in the Search Text field.
PROS: You can find a subset of cardholders who match that criteria regardless of their names.
CONS: Choosing the wrong piece of criteria could cause you to miss the record you are looking for.
TIP: To ensure your success, considered how the criteria you are using will satisfy your search goals.
How to Open the Search Panel
to LaunchPoint from the Login Page if needed.
Click on the Cardholder List icon
from the Dashboard or from the side Menu.
The Search Panel is in the Cardholder List page.
On a smaller screen-size, or when the Search Panel is hidden, click the yellow "Eyeglass" tab on the right edge of the window.
RESULT: The Search Panel will slide open.
Using the Search Panel
This section provides the basic steps to use the Search Panel.
Open the Cardholder List icon
from the Dashboard or from the side Menu
You can simply click the [Search] button to query all cardholders.
Select the First or Last Name in the Search Criteria droplist, as desired.
Enter the Search Text that meets your criteria. (see Controlling Search Results above, for assistance)
Click on the Search button to invoke the search.
RESULTS: The Cardholder List will be populated with the list of cardholders whose names match your Search Text.
- you misspelled the name
(check your spelling and reenter the criteria) - the name was misspelled when the person was enrolled
(try using a different spelling or choose Advance Search option for a different angle) - your criteria was too narrow (you entered too many letters) and omitted record
(try entering only 2 or 3 letters in the Search Text field) - your criteria was not effective in locating the record (try using Advance Search;
or remove all Criteria/Text and do a blank Search- then use the A-Z Index to locate the record) - the cardholder is not enrolled (Click the Add Cardholder button to launch the Wizard - see the Add Cardholder Wizard. )
See other methods of searching for more information.