Photo Verification
This topic covers viewing the cardholder Photo ID from the Photo Verification Viewer.
Open the Photo Verification screen
Photo Verification - Overview and Prerequisites
The Photo Verification Viewer allows the user or attendant to perform Photo Verification and Person Identification at a selected entry point.
Presumably the entry point that the user is attending, has the ability to control the queue of cardholders at the entry point, to allow the user to flag any person in synch with their photo entry.
The LaunchPoint Photo Verification screen displays the current Photo ID for the access card presented at the selected reader. The user can quickly verify that photo in the system matches the person who is at the door.
Photo Verification Screen
Current Main Photo Data: A cardholder's Photo ID Data displays in the Photo Verification screen when the access card is presented at the selected reader. The Photo ID Data is updated real-time when each card is swiped.
A green or red border indicates whether access was granted (green) or denied (red).
The status caption under the photo also states "Valid Access" (granted) or "Invalid Access" (denied)
The identification data is personnel data that was saved in the Cardholder screen when the person was enrolled.
"No Photo Available" displays if a photo is not saved in the cardholder record.
NOTICE: The presence or absence of a photograph does not affect the access card is valid or invalid.
The card is granted or denied access based on the access permissions assigned during enrollment. The access groups determine, which doors are authorized and what days and times the card is valid or invalid.
Photo Carousel: the Photo Carousel displays at the bottom of the Photo Verification screen and holds the Photo and access timestamp when the
The user can use the Photo Carousel independently of the Current Photo ID Data.
Each incoming Photo (and access time stamp) is added to the carousel in sequential order
The Current Photo Data will be refreshed with data from the next card swipe at the reader.
That photo will be added to the Photo Carousel.
Once the page is closed, the queue is emptied. The system does not retain photos from previous sessions.
- The main photograph must be saved in the Cardholder screen for the photo to appear in Photo Verification screen.
- Any personal data* that relates to photo verification must be saved in the Cardholder Editor screen .
- The user* must select at least one reader to see photos appear in the Photo Verification screen.
- The main Photo ID Data area can only display one photo at a time, which is the last card swiped.
- The Photo Carousel will display a queue of the prior photos (cards) presented at the reader.
- The user can independently scroll through the carousel to see previous photos.
- The user cannot control access from the LaunchPoint Photo Verification screen. Access is determined by the access permissions assigned to the card.
* The LaunchPoint User account must have the correct privileges or filters to be able to see cardholder photos, cardholder information and to see/select the readers as needed.
Always Active / Live Photo Updates
The Photo Verification tab remains active as long as the session is open. Photographs continue updating "real-time" in the background, even if the browser tab is not the top window or is not 'in focus'.
NOTE: The user privileges (filters and permissions) can determine which readers are available in the Select Reader droplist. A master user should be able to see all the readers in the list. Contact the system administrator to update the user profile if needed.
When the Photo Verification window first launches, the user must select at least one reader.
The list of readers has checkboxes beside each reader name, which allows the user can select multiple readers. Photos will display in the order they are presented. Photos will not display from readers that are not selected.
The user will only see the last cardholder to present their card to a selected reader.
How to open the Photo Verification screen ...
On the Dashboard, you can hover over the Event tile and select the Photo Verification option.
On the Sidebar Menu, you can click the Event icon and select the Photo Verification option.
When the window opens, the user will see incoming photos.
Result: The Photo Verification Viewer allows an authorized* user to view the main photograph and personnel data for the access card being presented to the reader. If a photograph is not saved, the user will see "No Photograph Available".
* The LaunchPoint User profile must have the correct user privileges that grant permission to see cardholder data. Contact the system administrator for questions about the user permissions, as needed.
Photo Verification screen
(hover/tap to open thumbnail)
How to View Photo Verification
The Photo Verification window will open in a new browser tab in the same browser window.
This tab/session will remain active in the background if the user shifts focus to another page or another task.
From the sidebar menu or dashboard, select Events >Photo Verification option.
When the Photo Verification window opens, choose the desired Reader as follows ...
When a cardholder presents an access card to the chosen reader, the Person Identification information is displayed ...
When each cardholder presents an access card to the chosen reader, their photo and person identification data are displayed in the Photo Viewer and also added to the "Photo Carousel".
User can scroll back and forth in the photo carousel to see the first thru the last photos.
A green border = access granted ( "Valid Access" is displayed ).
A red border = access denied (i.e., "Invalid Access" or "Not in System" ).
"NO PHOTO AVAILABLE" = means no photo is in the system for the card presented to the reader.
(green border/no photo) - a valid card that doesn’t have a photo on file.
(red border/no photo) - an invalid card that doesn’t have access to the door or doesn’t have access at the time presented.
OR it could be an invalid attempt for a card that is not in the system, in which case access will be denied (red border).
When you close the window, the Photo Viewer session is ended.
NOTE: If the Photo Viewer does not display data you expect, verify that (A) a main photograph is saved in the Cardholder screen, and that (B) the personnel data is saved. Also verify (C) the user chose the correct reader in the Photo View page.
* "Authorized User = the LaunchPoint User profile must have the correct user privileges assigned that grant permission to see cardholder data. Contact your system administrator for questions about the user permissions, as needed.