Editing Access Groups
This topic describes how to change the programming of an existing Access Group, which includes adding or removing authorized doors and assigning or changing time schedules.
About Editing Access Groups
This section contains information that helps the user understand how access groups work.
- You can SKIP TO INSTRUCTIONS in the next section if needed.
- You can use the Add Access Group Wizard to add a new access group.
- The user's login account must have the appropriate permissions to change access group programming.
- The Access Group that you want to change must already exist in the system or you will need to create it.
- The Time Schedules you need for each door must be created before they can be assigned.
- If you have not yet created the Time Schedules or Access Group, you can do so from the Wizards.
- (optional) If you will be assigning a custom schedule to the crisis mode field, you must create it first.
NOTE: see the Editing Access Groups and other subsections sections of this topic if you are new to access groups.
IMPORTANT CRISIS MODE OPERATION: if you do not assign a schedule to the crisis mode field in the access group, the access privileges will continue to operate/behave according to the normally assigned schedules. If you assign a schedule to the crisis mode field, then all doors in the group will revert to the designated crisis schedule until crisis mode is reset or deactivated for the loop/cluster the access group belong in.
Access Control: is the function of controlling access to a door or entry point at specified times or days. The system will grant access to a valid/active* card/credential at 'authorized entry points' (doors, turnstiles, etc.) during the active (green) portion of a time schedule. The system will deny access to invalid/inactive cards/credentials at entry points during the inactive portion of the time schedule.
Access Group: an access group is the group of doors that a cardholder is permitted to access or open at designated times. Once an access group is created, it can be assigned to any access card (credential) during cardholder enrollment in the Cardholder Editor page or Card Wizard.
Custom Access Group: is an access group that is created or defined by an user or the system administrator.
System Default Access Group: is a predefined access group that is in the system by default and cannot be changed or deleted by anyone. There are two predefined access groups -- i.e., "** Unlimited Access **" and "** No Access **".
Time Schedule: a time schedule is a set of incremental time periods that cover a 24-hour period, which are configured to be active or inactive (green vs. red/gray) at specified times. Once a Schedule is created, it can be assigned to any door within an access group, or elsewhere in the system to door groups, i/o groups, ...
Custom Schedule: is a Time schedule that is created by the system admin or user, which defines the active and inactive time periods.
System Default Schedule: is a predefined time schedule in the system for default use. There are two predefined time schedules; i.e., "**Always**" and "**Never**".
Crisis Mode: is a system-wide state that can be activated on-command by an user in a critical or emergency situation.
Crisis Mode Schedule: is simply the time schedule that is assigned to the crisis mode field in any part of the system programming - including Access Groups, etc. - which the system will use during an 'active crisis mode'.
* Any cardholder or any card/credential can be made inactive system-wide by configuring/enabling the 'inactive' or 'deactivated' options in the Cardholder programming. While a cardholder is inactive or a card/credential is inactive, access is denied system-wide.

Access Groups are created for each loop/cluster. If you want a card to have access to doors that are on different loops, you must create separate access groups for the doors on each loop/cluster. Then during enrollment, the user can assign each loop/cluster to the access card and choose the appropriate access groups that you made in each loop/cluster. You can assign up to four (4) access groups per Loop/Cluster.
When you create the access group, you must choose the doors you want to be in the authorized set and assign the desired time schedule(s) to them. The same time schedule can be assigned to all doors -OR- you can assign different time schedule(s) to each individual authorized door.
As defined in the Terms, an Access Group is a select set of "authorized doors" that have schedules assigned to control when the access card is permitted to enter the door. Of course the authorized doors are within the same hardware loop/cluster. If the cardholder needs access to doors that are in a different loop/cluster then you must create the schedules and access groups within those other loop/clusters.
You can add or remove a door to the authorized group at any time. You can also assign different schedules to each door.
To add a door to an access group, move the door from the unauthorized group into the authorized group and assign a schedule. The system will grant access to "authorized doors" during the active time periods on the schedule.
To remove a door from an access group, remove the door from the authorized group. The system will not grant access to "unauthorized doors".
To change when access is granted to any door, you can change which schedule is assigned or you can edit the time schedule and change which time periods are active vs inactive. The system will not grant access to authorized doors during the inactive (red/gray) time periods of the assigned schedule.
When the access group is saved, the associated Loop/Cluster is updated. The panels must be online to receive the updates. Offline panels will continue to operate using the existing programming.

Ultimately, the authorized doors will allow access when the assigned schedule is in it's "active" (green) state. And the authorized doors deny access when the assigned schedule is in it's "inactive" (gray/red) state.
ALL DOORS = SAME SCHEDULE: All the authorized doors in an access group can be assigned to the same schedule, which will provide access to all the doors at the same time periods and days. The cards assigned to this kind of access group will work the same way at all the doors in the group.
EACH DOOR = DIFFERENT SCHEDULES: Each individual door in an access group can be assigned to different schedules, which will provide unique access permissions at each authorized door. The cards assigned to this kind of access group will work differently at each door.
SINGLE CARD/MULTIPLE ACCESS GROUPS: You can add more doors and more schedules to the card by adding multiple access groups.
A DOOR CAN BE AUTHORIZED IN MORE THAN ONE GROUP (overlapping privileges) - this means the same door can have different schedules assigned to it through different access groups. So cardholders in the "day-shift group" will have access to the front door during daytime hours only. Cardholders in the "night-shift group" will have access to that same door at nighttime, but not daytime.
Since it is possible to assign more than one access group to a card, it is possible to assign extended or overlapping access privileges to a cardholder. This may or may not be desirable, depending on the cardholder roles and responsibilities.
ABOUT OVERLAPPING ACCESS PRIVILEGES: Since it is possible to create overlapping access privileges you must take care to evaluate all the privileges when you create access groups, as well as when you create the card. Be aware that the system will grant access to any authorized door if any access group has an "active" schedule when the card is presented to the reader. Likewise, be mindful of only partially removing access to a door by removing one access group when another access group on the card has access to that door, if indeed you want to remove all access to that door. The system will still grant access for the remaining groups. It may be undesirable to allow overlapping access permissions on a card. Consider creating a new access group with the specific access the cardholder needs.

Assigning a schedule to the crisis mode field is mandatory. You have several options.
If you assign a default system schedule (i.e., "Always" or "Never") to the crisis mode field, the Access Group will follow the assigned schedule while crisis mode is active/engaged. The access permissions will return to normal operation when crisis mode is reset or deactivated.
If you assign a custom-schedule to the crisis mode field, the Access Group will follow the assigned custom schedule while crisis mode is active/engaged. The access permissions will return to normal operation when crisis mode is reset or deactivated.
If do not want the access group behavior to change while crisis mode active/engaged, then simply assign the same schedule to the crisis mode field as is assigned to the access group. This way the access permissions will continue to operate as normal during the active Crisis Mode.
The crisis mode schedule tells the hardware/readers how to behave when crisis mode is engaged or activated.
- If the "unlimited access" schedule is assigned as the crisis schedule, all the doors in the loop will unlock when crisis mode is engaged.
- If the "no access" schedule is assigned as the crisis schedule, all the doors in the loop will lock down when crisis mode is engaged.
- If the same schedule is assigned to all doors and to crisis mode, then all doors will function as scheduled.
- You can create a specific schedule for crisis mode in the Time Schedules Wizard.

In the Access Group Editor, you can modify or delete an existing access group.
Modifying the access group will change the access permissions in the access control panel. Any changes made to the access group should take effect when the group is saved. All cards/cardholders that are assigned to the updated group will be immediately affected when the changes are saved/loaded to the panel.
Deleting an access group removes it from the access control panels that belong to the selected Loop (location). Deleting an access group does not delete the schedules or doors from the system. The doors and schedules remain in the system, but they are no longer assigned to that access group.
IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT UPDATING PANELS: Online panels should receive the updated changes when the access group is saved (or deleted from the system). Offline panels continue using the known access rules until the panels are brought back online and loaded with the new changes. Once the data is loaded to the panels, all changes are effective immediately for associated cards.
- enter comments and service notes.
- delete the entire access group.
How to Open Access Group Editor
There are two ways to open the Access groups Page ...
Side Menu: select "Access Group" menu icon or option.
Dashboard: select 'Access Group' Tile (under Configure section)
Click/tap thumbnail to enlarge.
The Access Group Page will be empty until the user chooses a loop/cluster.
How to Edit Access Groups
Be aware that all changes must be saved and loaded to the access control panels. The changes will automatically load if the services are running and the panels are online.
NOTICE: the Delete button - will delete the selected access group; but user will be prompted to confirm or cancel the choice to delete before the record is deleted.
CAUTION: Access cards that are assigned to a deleted access group will stop working in the system for the doors that belonged to the deleted access group. If the card was only assigned to one access group, then the card will no longer work in the system even if it is not expired.
- Select the Loop/Cluster (Location) that the Access Group belongs to.
- Select the Access Group name - you can edit the name as desired. This will propagate throughout the system. Although, typically you will not need to edit the group name.
- Assign the Crisis Mode Access Group- this affects how all the doors on the Loop behave during crisis mode.
- (optional) Access Group Disabled (checkbox)- this option affects whether the access group (and associated cards) will work.
> When checked, the access group will not work in the system.
> When unchecked, the access group will work. - (optional) Activation Date/Time - sets a future activation date for the access group.
> It will not work in the system until the date elapses. Associated cards are likewise impacted. - (optional) Expiration Date/Time - sets a future expiration date for the access group.
> It will not work in the system after the date elapses. Associated cards are likewise impacted. - Additional Fields cbx - shows/hides additional fields.
> When checked, the addit. fields show.
> When unchecked, the the addit fields are hidden. - (optional) Notes, Comments, Service Comments - enter information at user discretion.
- Access Group Number - system assigned number - is assigned when user enters the name.
- (optional) Extended Group (checkbox) - sets the extended access group option.
> When checked, the group is treated as an extended group.
> When unchecked, the group is treated as a normal group. - Assign Doors (dropdown section) - show/hide the available doors (authorized and unauthorized).
- Unauthorized Doors List - lists all the doors in the Loop that are "unauthorized" (i.e. no assigned schedule ).
> You must assign a schedule to move the door into the Authorized Doors list. - Authorized Doors List - lists all the doors in the Loop that are "authorized" (i.e. have a schedule ).
> You must remove the schedule to move the door into the Unauthorized Doors list.
> You can click the "Edit Schedule" link to choose a different schedule.
See the Schedules Editor or Add Schedules Wizard if you need to prepare a schedule. - Click the SAVE button to save your work.
- Note: Clicking the Add New button lets you open the Wizard to add a new access group.
Next Steps
Once you have created your needed access groups, you can assign them to a card in the Access Permissions section of the Cardholder Editor or Card Wizard.