LaunchPoint Wizards
LaunchPoint Wizards will help the user add new records to the system - such as adding new Cardholders, Cards, Schedules, or Access Groups.
To find and update existing records, use the Configuration screens (Editors) - see Features for more info
Featured Wizards
Add New Card Wizard (imbedded)
Find an Existing Cardholder (Lookup)
Click a link to open the topic.
This section provides a functional overview of each wizard.
LaunchPoint Wizards are designed help you perform tasks using the correct sequence of steps. Each wizard screen provides the appropriate fields for the related step. This helps you to repeat tasks with a consistent process and avoid missing steps.
LaunchPoint Wizards let you add new records to the system for cardholders, cards, access groups, and time schedules. If you need to edit a record that already exists, you must use the Editor screens. Editor screens have all the fields in one screen and do not enforce the order you move around the fields. If you press the ADD button in the Editor, you will launch the wizard.
- Use the Quick links above to see the user instructions for each wizard .
- If you have already added your record, you can go to the Features menu and find the topic for the appropriate editor.

This wizard allows you to add a new cardholder to the system, as well as assign access credentials, and more.
Prerequisites and Notes ...
- The access group(s) you wish to assign must exist in the system (i.e. added before you launch the wizard).
- The Cardholder cannot exist in the system. You cannot edit an existing Cardholder from the wizard.
- If you already added the cardholder, either use the Add Card Wizard to add a credential and permissions, or use the Cardholder Editor to continue editing cardholder information.
- Contact your system administrator or authorized dealer if you do not see your access locations.
- You cannot print an ID Badge from the Wizard. See the Cardholder Editor.
Navigation Controls and Buttons ...
The user can use the following buttons and controls to navigate through the wizard screens.
- Additional Fields (cbx control) - expands/collapses a set of additional fields that are usually optional.
- Data Fields 5-50 - opens the 5 - 50 Data Fields screen.
(You must expand Additional Fields checkbox to find this button.)
TIP: Using these fields is up to the discretion of the system subscriber / administrator unless they have been designated as mandatory by the system administrator or authorized dealer. Fields designated as mandatory must be non-blank for the user to advance to the next screen.
- Synchronize Badge - syncs the badge template field (droplist) for the system subscriber.
- Next - moves forward to the next screen in sequence.
- Back - moves backward to the last screen in sequence.
- Skip - skips the current screen and moves the user to the next screen in sequence.
- Finish - completes the task, saves the card record and closes the wizard. User is returned to the starting screen or the dashboard.
In the Add Cardholder Wizard, you can enter the following information ...
- cardholder first, middle, last name - (mandatory to save cardholder)
- personal information (phone, address, etc.)
- assign a department
- import a photograph
- add an access card *
- assign an ID Badge **
- assign authorized access locations (loops)
- assign access permissions (access groups)
NOTE: The Cardholder wizard can be configured to show or hide specific fields that the system subscriber does not want to see or use. This is handled by an authorized administrator or dealer.
* You can also add an arming card through the wizard.
** You must be licensed for a badging solution and Badge Designs must be imported & synchronized.

The Add Card Wizard allows you to add a new card to and existing cardholder in the system, as well as assign permissions.
If your cardholder has not been added, see the Add Cardholder Wizard, which also allows you to add a card.
If your card has already been added, see the Cardholder Editor to modify existing credentials.
Prerequisites and Notes
- The access group(s) you wish to assign must exist in the system (i.e. added before you launch the wizard).
- The Cardholder must exist in the system. See the Add Cardholder Wizard to add a new cardholder if needed.
- The card cannot already exist in the system. If you already added the card, use the Cardholder Editor to modify existing card information.
- Contact your system administrator or authorized dealer if you do not see your access locations.
- You cannot print an ID Badge from the wizard. See the Cardholder Editor.
Navigation Controls and Buttons ...
The user can use the following buttons to navigate through the wizard screens.
- Additional Fields (cbx control) - expands/collapses a set of additional fields that are usually marked as optional.
TIP: Using these fields is up to the discretion of the system subscriber / administrator unless they have been designated as mandatory by the system administrator or authorized dealer. Fields designated as mandatory must be non-blank for the user to advance to the next screen.
- Synchronize Badge - syncs the badge template field (droplist) for the system subscriber.
- Next - moves forward to the next screen in sequence.
- Back - moves backward to the last screen in sequence.
- Skip - skips the current screen and moves the user to the next screen in sequence.
- Finish - completes the task, saves the card record and closes the wizard. User is returned to the starting screen or the dashboard.
In the Add Card Wizard, you can enter the following information ...
- add an access card *
- choose one or more locations (loops)
- assign an ID Badge **
- assign access permissions
NOTE: The wizard can be configured to show or hide specific fields that the system subscriber does not want to see or use. This is handled by an authorized administrator or dealer.
* You can also add an arming card through the wizard.
** You must be licensed for a badging solution and Badge Designs must be imported & synchronized.

The Add Access Group Wizard allows you add a new access group to the system, - this includes assigning authorized doors and schedules, as well as crisis mode behavior and more.
- If the Time Schedules have not been added, see the Add Time Schedules Wizard, which also allows you to add special days (holidays).
- If you need to change and existing access group or time schedule, see the Access Group Editor or Time Schedules Editor as appropriate.
Prerequisites and Notes
- The time schedules you wish to assign must already exist (i.e. added before you launch the wizard).
- The access group cannot exist in the system already. You cannot edit an existing access group from the wizard.
- If you already added the access group, use the Access Group Editor to continue editing cardholder information.
- Contact your system administrator or authorized dealer if you do not see your access locations.
- An access group will not function in the system if it does not have a valid schedule assigned to at least one door.
Navigation Controls and Buttons ...
The user can use the following buttons to navigate through the wizard screens.
- Additional Fields (cbx control) - expands/collapses a set of additional fields that are usually marked as optional.
TIP: Using these fields is up to the discretion of the system subscriber / administrator unless they have been designated as mandatory by the system administrator or authorized dealer. Fields designated as mandatory must be non-blank for the user to advance to the next screen.
- Add New - opens the Add Access Group Wizard screen.
- Next - moves forward to the next screen in sequence.
- Prev - moves backward to the last screen in sequence.
- Finish - completes the task, saves the card record and closes the wizard. User is returned to the starting screen or the dashboard.
In the Add Access Group Wizard, you can enter the following information ...
- choose an existing Loop/Cluster
- enter an access group name *
- choose a crisis mode (for how the system behaves in crisis mode)
- enter an activation and expiration date/time
- set options to make the system treat the group as disabled or as extended
- enter notes, comments, and service comments
- add authorized doors and time schedules **
* A system number will be assigned to the access group when you exit the Access Group Name field.
** You must have already created the time schedule you want to assign.

The Add Time Schedule Wizard is actually the same screen as the Schedules Editor. This feature allows you to add a new time schedule to the system, which includes configuring special days (holidays).
- If you need to change and existing time schedule, see the Time Schedules Editor as appropriate.
Prerequisites and Notes
- The time schedule you wish to add cannot already exist in the system already.
You can select and edit an existing schedule from the wizard. - If you already added the schedule, see the Time Schedule Editor for the topic on editing existing schedules.
- An schedule will not function in the system if it does not have a the time configuration for each day completed.
Navigation Controls and Buttons ...
This wizard essentially has one screen. It makes a difference whether you are adding a new schedule (add new) or if you are selecting an existing schedule to edit.
- Add New - opens the wizard so user can add the name of the new schedule.
- Save - saves the schedule and any modifications.
- Delete - deletes the selected schedule from the system.
- Affected by Special Days (cbx control) - expands/collapses a set of additional time configuration fields.
TIP: Adding special days (holidays) is up to the discretion of the system subscriber. If your schedule needs to work the same way all the time (365-days a year) then do not configure special days. This could be true of a schedule that is assigned to hardware or to emergency personnel who may be immune to holidays.
In the Add Time Schedule Wizard, you can enter the following information ...
- choose an existing Loop/Cluster
- enter a time schedule name *
- show/hide the time schedule bars for special days (holidays) **
- configure the start and stop times for each week day.
- configure the start and stop times for time schedules.
* A system number will be assigned to the schedule when you exit the Schedule Name field.
** Configuring special days is optional - up to subscriber discretion.