Editing Cardholders
This topic covers editing the Cardholder information for an existing cardholder or card.
This is done by opening the Cardholder List, searching and selecting the desired cardholder, and editing the cardholder.
How to Edit an Existing Cardholder
About the Cardholder Editor
The Cardholder Editor allows an authorized* user to change or modify the Cardholder information and Card information, including uploading a photo, assigning permissions, printing badges and more.
* The user must have permission to view and edit the Cardholder information. Permissions are configured by the system administrator.
The Cardholder must already exist in the system in order to open it in the Cardholder Editor.
The LaunchPoint user must have the privileges to view, edit, and save changes in the cardholder screen. See system administrator as needed.
If you want to upload a photograph, you must have captured the photo and placed the image file in the expected folder.
If you want to assign departments, they must already exist in the Department droplist. See system administrator as needed.
If you want to change access permissions, the access group(s) must already exist in the system. See Add Access Groups Wizard .
Badge Templates: If you intend to assign a badge template, the template must already exist in the Template droplist. If you do not see the template, you can update the list by clicking the Synchronize Templates button.
Preview/Print Badges: the badge template must be assigned and saved to the cardholder before you can print or preview badges.
- Use the Add Cardholder or Express Add to add a new cardholder.
- If you did not yet add the card, you can launch the Add Card Wizard one of the following ways ...
- Launch the Add Card Wizard from the Dashboard tile icon .
- open the Cardholder List Editor (this topic), then click the [Add Card] button located in the Access Card Info section of the editor screen. This method is useful if you need to search or look-up the cardholder record first.

This editor allows you to modify or delete data on an existing cardholder in the system - this includes editing existing cards already added to the cardholder and their access privileges, ID badge assignment, Badge Preview and Printing, and more.
TIP: You can open the Cardholder Editor from the Cardholder List after you search and find your cardholder.
Supported Functionality
In the Cardholder Editor, you can do the following things
- manage cardholder information
- modify cardholder first, middle, last name, DOB, etc
- modify personal information (phone, address, etc.)
- modify department
- disable cardholder record (this keeps cardholder activity/card activity in tact)
- 50 data fields (discretionary unless configured by sys. admin. to be mandatory)
- upload a main cardholder photograph
- upload or replace the main photo
- crop or reposition photo image
- the main photograph can be added to the Badge ID Template
- the main photograph is also used for Photo Identification feature
- manage access card credentials
- launch the Add Card Wizard from the Editor screen
- modify / disable / delete an access card *
- configure activation dates and expiration modes/dates
- configure card role (access vs arming)
- manage ID Badge Templates
- synchronize the ID Badge Template list
- assign an ID Badge Template **
- preview and print ID Badges
- manage access privileges
- assign access locations (loops)
- assign access permissions (access groups)
- print the Cardholder Activity Report (see Reports)
* You can also configure an arming card through the editor.
** You must be licensed for a badging solution and Badge Designs must be imported & synchronized.
NOTE: The Cardholder Editor can be configured to show or hide specific fields that the system subscriber does not want to see or use. This is handled by an authorized administrator or dealer.
Buttons and Controls
The user can use the following buttons and controls to navigate in the editor screen.
Sync Template - syncs the badge template field (droplist) for the system subscriber.
Delete - deletes the entire Cardholder record.
Refresh - refreshes the screen/login.
Cancel - cancels/exists the editor and any unsaved changes are lost.
Save - saves all the pending changes in the cardholder record without closing the editor.
Photograph Field (image box) - clicking on the field/image opens the Upload Photo window.
Additional Fields Section (dropdown - starts collapsed) - reveals additional Data fields (optional).
Additional Fields (checkbox) - show/hide more additional fields that are usually optional.
TIP: Using additional fields is up to the discretion of the system subscriber / administrator unless they have been designated as mandatory by the authorized dealer. Fields designated as mandatory must be non-blank for the user to advance to the next screen.
Add Card button - launches the Add Card Wizard (adds a new card).
Select All (cbx control) - selects all the cards for disabling or deleting. Cardholder remains intact.
Disable Card button - sets 'Disable Card' option to "checked" for selected cards.
Selected cards will remain intact, but will no longer work. This preserves card activity records.
Delete Card button - deletes all the selected cards. Unselected cards remain intact.
Delete Single Card (trashcan) - deletes the individual card. Other cards remain intact.
Preview Badge (eyeball) - opens the Preview Badge window for the individual card. You can print also.
Print Badge (printer icon) - sends the ID Badge directly to the badge printer without previewing.
Select Card (cbx control) - selects/deselects the single card
Fields in the Cardholder Editor
There are additional data fields in the Cardholder Editor that can be used to store information according to the client's needs. These data fields should be used consistently. If you use Data 1 to store the cardholder's office number or some relevant piece of information, you should always use Data 1 for the same thing in all Cardholders. This can be simplified by changing the field name (field label) to something that identifies the purpose of the field - see tip below.
TIP: The administrator can also configure the field labels of generic data fields and may be able to apply rules such as making a field mandatory or behave like a droplist. Contact your authorized administrator or dealer for assistance.
How to Find a Cardholder
You must open the Cardholder List to open the Cardholder Editor. When you open the Cardholder List, you can use the Search Panel if needed to find your cardholder.
There are two ways to open the Cardholder List ...
- from the Dashboard
- from the sidebar Menu.

- When you sign-in, the Dashboard automatically displays. Editors are located in the Configure section on the 2nd row of tiles.
- Click the Cardholder List Tile to open the Cardholder List screen, which includes a Search Panel.
- You can use the Search Panel to find your cardholder if you do not see your cardholder in the list. Click the orange magnifying glass on the left side of the window to reveal the Search Panel if it is closed or not visible.

From the LaunchPoint Menu (left side), click the Cardholder List icon to open the Cardholder List screen, which includes a Search Panel.
- An alphabetical list of cardholders may auto-generate.
- If you don’t see your cardholder, you can use the Search Panel to enter criteria and narrow your results.
- If the Search Panel is hidden, click the [yellow eyeglass]
on the right edge of screen to expand it.
- After entering search criteria, click [Search] button to query matching cardholders.
- See Using the Search Panel for more info.

You open the Cardholder Search Panel by clicking on the yellow eyeglass near the top-right corner .
This will expand the Search Panel.
Click the Cardholder List icon
, to open the Cardholder List window.
If the Search Panel is hidden, click the [orange eyeglass]
on the upper-right edge of screen to expand it.
You can simply click the [Search] button to query all cardholders.
You can use the Alphabetical Index on the right side of screen, to orient your place in the list to where you expect to see the name of your target cardholder. You need to hide the Search Panel to see the Index.
You can narrow your search results by entering search criteria using the search data fields on the Search Panel. Click [Search] button to query cardholders that match your criteria.
To see more on the Search Panel visit the Search Panel Topic .
Edit an existing Cardholder or Card
From the Cardholder List, click the Edit button to open the Cardholder Editor screen. See how to find your
TIP: The Edit Link will change to an Edit Button if you shrink the screen width until it changes (screen size threshold).
TIP: If you want to delete the cardholder record, you can click the Delete Button, next to the Edit Button. Be aware that deleting a cardholder will also remove the cardholder activity history. To keep the history in tact, you should disable the cardholder or card in the system or at least .
- From the Cardholder List, click EDIT to open the Cardholder Editor.
- Sync Template syncs the Badge & Dossier Templates
- Delete deletes the entire cardholder record.
- Refresh refreshes the cardholder page. unsaved pending changes may be lost.
- Cancel cancels all pending changes.
- Save saves the pending changes on the record.
- Search Icon - opens the Search Panel.
- In the Cardholder Information section of the screen (upper half), you can modify the following data ...
- Name - first, middle, last
- Inactive checkbox (checking this makes the cardholder inactive without deleting; keeps history intact)
- Date of Birth (D.O.B.)
- Date 1 and Date 2 fields
- Select Department
- Data 1 field
- Photograph (needed for Photo Identification or Badge Printing)
- Clicking on the Photograph field will open the Photo Upload screen where you can add or change the photograph.
- click on the Folder icon in the top-right corner of the left photo frame.
- browse to your photo file and select it
- you can grab the photo and reposition it, zoom in/out, ...
- click the Crop button to crop and select it.
- the photo will pop to the right frame.
- click Save to upload the photo in the cardholder screen.
- Clicking the > Additional Fields section (expandable section) allows you to modify the following fields ...
- Personal data fields (phone, home phone, address, city, state, zip)
- Elevator Settings (VIP, Vertigo, Has Disability, Split Group)
- Trace Enabled (when checked the cardholder activity is set to separate color from other activity)
- Forward to Time & Attendance
- Additional Fields checkbox (show/hide more fields)
- 2 - 50 Data fields
- Clicking the > Card/Badge Settings section (expandable section) allows you to modify the following fields ...
- BUTTONS: Add Card (opens the Add Card Wizard)
- ICONS: Delete Card (trashcan), Preview Badge (eyeball), Print Badge (printer).
- CHECKBOX: Select All cards, Select Card Individual
- Card Description* (required; default recommended)
- Card Number* (system assigned)
- Card Technology* Type (Wiegand, ABA, etc.)
- Card Code* (includes Facility Code, Card ID, etc)
- PIN Code (optional - used with keypad readers)
- Badge Design (ID Badge Template, use if printing badges)
- Access Profile (note: configured by the dealer)
- Card Disabled cbx (disables card in the system without deleting it; keeps card history intact)
- Additional Fields checkbox (show/hide more fields listed below)
- Dossier Design (ID Badge Template, use if printing dossiers)
- Card Role (Access Card vs Arming Card)
- Can Toggle Lock State cbx (allows card to toggle lock/unlock state of an authorized* door)
- Card Reversed cbx (reserved for special use)
- PIN Exempt cbx (exempts the card from PIN)
- Duress Enabled cbx (makes card a duress card)
- Passback Exempt cbx (exempt from passback violation)
- Active Date (set future active date for card to start working)
- Expire Mode (optional-set mode: date, date&time, usage count, none)
- Expiration Value (will match the mode, such as date or the number of usages allowed).
NOTE: You can add another Card by clicking the Add Card button.
* a door is 'authorized' for a card if the door is included in the Authorized Doors List of the assigned Access Group.
- To Preview or Print a Badge you must have already assigned and saved the Badge Template to the card.
- Select the template from the Badge Designs field if the badge template is not assigned.
- Click the Save button to save the cardholder.
- In the Card Toolbar, you can click the Print icon (printer) to print the badge without previewing it.
- In the Card Toolbar, you can click the Preview icon (eyeball) to preview the badge.
The screen will show both sides of the badge if applicable.
You can print from the Preview dialog box. - In the Preview screen, select a printer and click Send Printer to print the badge at an online card printer.
- In the Preview screen, select a dispatcher and click Send Dispatcher to send the badge to a Dispatcher queue. A dispatch user will need to open the Print Dispatcher engine and assign the badge to an online card printer.
- In the Access Information section, you can configure access permissions for the selected card you are editing. You can add more than one loop to a card. The card will not have access to doors on the loop until an access group is assigned.
- Select Loop (shows the loop that is assigned/selected)
- Authorized Loops (lists all authorized loops on the card)
- Access Group 1 through 4 (assign the desired access groups in these fields)
NOTE: You can add more Loops by clicking the Add Loop button.
- Clicking the > Activity History section(expandable section) allows retrieve cardholder activity history.
The following fields are included ...- Start Date/Time: select the starting date/time
- End Date/Time: select the ending date/time
- Event Types: Select at least one event type.
Types include: Access Granted, Duress, Passback Violations, Invalid Attemtps - GET HISTORY clicking the button retrieves the selected events that occurred between the start and end date range.
- BUTTONS at bottom of page include ...
- Cancel - cancel pending changes and return to last saved state.
- Delete - delete the entire cardholder
- Save - save the pending changes