Express Add (New Cardholder with Card-1)
TASK: Add (enroll) a new Cardholder with one access card, access permissions, and a main photo ID - including assigning an ID badge.
featured topics
About Enrolling a New Cardholder
How to Open the Express Add screen
Using Express Add Screen (enrolling a cardholder)
Adding More Data (Fields 5 -50)
See Related Topics
Add Card Cardholder Look-up Add Access Group Add Time Schedule Other Features
About Enrolling a New Cardholder
This section explains how to enroll / add a Cardholder to the system using the Express Add enrollment screen.
TIP: If you begin enrolling a cardholder and cannot finish all the fields, you have two choices ...
you can save what you added so far; then enter the remaining information from the Cardholder Editor screen (Cardholder List).
or you can exit the Express Add screen without saving - then restart the enrollment later, when you have the needed information.
- You can enroll an access card during the Express Add session, provided you know the card data.
- The Access Group must already exist in the system before you can add it to the cardholder. See the Add Access Group Wizard if you need to add the group.
- The badge design must be created if you are assigning badge IDs. However you will need to print badges from the Cardholder Editor screen (List Editor).

There are two ways to open the Express Add screen - from the Side Menu or the Dashboard.
From the Dashboard:
When you log into LaunchPoint, you will land on the Dashboard screen.
Hover your mouse on the Cardholders Tile and click the Express Add screen.
LaunchPoint Dashboard : Cardholders Tile > Express Add
From the Side Menu:
When you log into LaunchPoint, click the Side Menu - Cardholder List (on the left-side menubar).
When the menu expands, choose the Express Add feature.
LaunchPoint Side Menu: Cardholders > Express Add
How to Use the Express Add Enrollment Screen
All the cardholder fields are in one screen, to make it a quick process to enroll a cardholder.
- First and Last names are required, plus any custom-designated mandatory fields and conditionally required fields (these are marked with red asterisk). User cannot save until the required fields are satisfied.
- If you are adding a card, you will need to know the access card code and the Facility/Corp/Site Code if applicable to your card type.
- To assign access permissions, the access groups must already be created.
- To assign a badge template, the badge template must already be imported into the system.
- To print a badge you must go to the Cardholder Editor.
- If you exit the screen prematurely or skip items, you can use the Cardholder List to look up the person and finish the task in the Cardholder Editor screen.
Contact your administrator or authorized dealer with questions about access locations, access profiles, departments, customized data fields, badge templates, or questions related to VMS or Badging license.

To add a new cardholder from the Express Add screen, start from the Dashboard Cardholders Tile.
Click the Cardholder Tile and choose the Express Add option (shown below).
In the Cardholder Information fields, enter the Cardholder Name [First, Last (*mandatory)]
The customer name should be auto-filled if a Customer is assigned to the enrollment operator.
NOTE: “No Customer” is the default in some systems, while cloud systems may be defaulted to their own client name. )
Choose a department name from the Department droplist - if needed.
Prerequisite: If you do not see your Department, contact your system administrator.
Cardholder Editing: You can add the department later from the Cardholder Editor screen if you need to finish and save the enrollment.
Enter the Email for the cardholder.
Note: If you are using email for the AD Sync/Lookup, be sure to correctly enter the email.
Click on Date 2, 3, 4 fields and enter a date as appropriate using the calendar function.
The Dates 2 thru 4 fields can be used for any date, at the discretion of the system subscriber – for example date-of-hire.
Click on the links below to expand instructions for adding Photographs and/or Additional Data.

The main photograph is typically used for (A) printing a Photo ID Badge or (B) using the Photo Identification/Verification feature.
Adding a main photograph is optional. You can save the Cardholder enrollment without it unless the Sys-Admin has made it mandatory.
You can add the photograph later in the Cardholder Editor screen if you need to skip adding it in the Express Add or Cardholder Wizard screens.
- You must already have captured the photograph you wish to upload.
- The photograph file must be in a folder location that the SG User has permission to access.
Adding a Photograph
LaunchPoint will open a message box : “Do you want to upload a cardholder image?”
Click NO only if you want to skip adding a photograph.
Click YES to add a cardholder photograph;
The Import Photo screen will open showing two empty frames.
The left frame is used to import and crop the photo.
The right frame will hold the finished photo after the user crops the desired area of the image
Click the Folder icon to browse to the desired photograph file. The folder icon is in the upper corner of the left frame.
When the photograph is loaded into the frame, the user will see some overlay controls.
The user can zoom-in or zoom-out by using the overlay controls.
The user can also click-n-drag the photograph to adjust the position of the photo within the frame.
Click the CROP button to create the official cardholder photo image. The photo image will pop into the photo frame on the right side.
Click SAVE button to save your photograph
Advance to the Add Access Card section to enroll an access card.

Date of Birth, Elevator Options, and Cardholder Inactive fields are in this section. These fields are optional unless your administrator has configured them to be mandatory in the system.
A mandatory field will be red and have an asterisk (*) beside it. It cannot be skipped - the screen will not advance until it is satisfied.
- Some grayed/disabled fields are locked by your system administrator or by the system.
- Some grayed fields will be auto-filled by the system after the cardholder is enrolled; such as Last Access, Date Added, Last Modified.
- Contact your administrator for questions regarding configuring Data # field names.
- All 50 Data fields should always be used consistently for reporting and administrative purposes.
Adding Additional Information
Express Add: Additional Fields
- Enter the personal data as needed, such as address, home phone, elevator options, etc.
Click on the D.O.B. field to enter a date using the calendar function.
- The User can also enter data into the Date 1 & 2 fields. These extra fields are provided for the administrative needs of the client.
- The Inactive checkbox should remain unchecked if you want the cardholder to be active immediately.
- When this option is “unchecked”, the cardholder will have access in the system only where they have valid access card privileges.
- When this option is “checked”, it prevents the access card from working at any door system-wide, even if the access card is valid/active.
Optionally, you can disable the access card or give the access card a future active date (in the Card Fields).
- When this option is “unchecked”, the cardholder will have access in the system only where they have valid access card privileges.
NOTICE: the Inactive option controls whether a Cardholder is active in the system. This is a quick way to disable all credentials for an individual person. Deactivating the Cardholder will preserve the Cardholder activity history and Card activity history for data auditing. Deleting a cardholder or card will also delete activity history (audit trail).
TIP: There are additional ways to control the activation of an access card in the system. You can configure a future active date on the access card (credential) in the Add Card fields, in a later step in this topic. You can also disable the access card, or you expire it in the Add Card Fields.
NEXT : Do one of the following things to proceed with enrollment ...
click Data Fields 5-50 Button to open more fields (opens the Data Fields 5-50 popup window)
click Sync Template button to synchronize badge templates.
or go to the Add Card section of this topic.

These fields are optional or discretionary unless your administrator has configured them to be mandatory in the system.
A mandatory field will be red and have an asterisk (*) beside it. It cannot be skipped - the screen will not advance until it is satisfied.
You can configure optional/discretionary fields later in the Cardholder Editor screen if you want to skip them now in the wizard.
- The 50 Data fields are all discretionary fields and should always be used consistently for reporting purposes.
- Contact your administrator for questions regarding configuring Data # field names.
Adding Data in Fields 5 - 50
50 Data Fields screen
When User clicks the Data Fields button, the 50 Data Fields screen opens.
The User can enter data into any of the Data 5-50 fields. These extra fields are provided for the administrative needs of the system subscriber.
NOTE: The system does not impose rules on these fields unless the integrator has configured them to work a certain way (i.e. as a droplist or as a mandatory field). Be careful to use these fields in a consistent way for reporting purposes. -
Go to Adding the Add Access Card and Choosing Access Permissions to complete the cardholder enrollment.

This section describes adding and access card. You can add one access card in Express Add screen. If you need multiple credentials, they must be added in the Cardholder Editor.
- You must correctly enter the card ID code and any facility code or company code needed for the card to work correctly.
- You can set a future activation date if you don’t want the card to be active immediately.
- The Disable Card checkbox will disable only the card you are programming and will not affect other cards on the same cardholder.
Access Card Data
Express Add screen: Add Card Data fields
- Select Credential Type - Physical Credential
- Keep “Card 1” as the card description. (recommend using default system description)
- Select the appropriate Card Technology such as 26bit Wiegand.
- Enter the Card Code, including ID Code and Facility code as appropriate for the technology type.
- Enter PIN Code if applicable.
- (optional) Check the Additional Fields checkbox if you need to change the card role or set the active date or expire date for the card.
- (default) Select the correct Card Role of the card. (access card is default; set to alarm card if needed.)
- (optional) Set the future Activation Date/Time as appropriate.
- (optional) Set the Expiration Mode as desired.
- (optional) Set the Expiration Date as desired.
- Configure any remaining checkbox options as needed.
- Set the Expiry Mode as appropriate and choose the appropriate value for the expiration.
- Select a Badge Template for the cardholder. (only used if you are printing ID Badges)
- Select a Dossier Template as needed. (only used if you are printing Dossiers)
- Go to Assigning Access Permissions, to assign access privileges to the card.

This step is required to create a valid access card.
If you are not ready to assign access privileges right now, you can exit the wizard. However you must complete the task of assigning access privileges later in the Cardholder Editor. See Editing Cardholder for more information.
- You must choose at least one Location or choose Access Profile
- You can choose multiple Locations as desired.
- You can also add more locations later in the Cardholder Editor screen.
Choosing an Access Location
Access Information fields
- (OPTIONAL) You can choose an Access Profile group to assign access privileges to the new card.
- (OR) You can assign an Access Location (or multiple locations by clicking and holding the control key while clicking more Locations.)
- Click the Save button to save all your changes.
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