Add Time Schedules Wizard
TASK: Adding a new Time Schedule with or without special days.
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Add Card Add Cardholder Cardholder Look-up Add Access Group Edit Time Schedule Other Features
About Time Schedules
This topic shows you how to add a new Schedule using the Add Schedules Wizard.
NOTE: If you already added the schedule you can use the Schedule Editor to make changes.
Time Schedule: a time schedule is a set of incremental time periods that cover a 24-hour period, which are configured to be active or inactive (green vs. red/gray) at specified times. Once a Schedule is created, it can be assigned to any door within an access group, or elsewhere in the system to door groups, i/o groups, ...
Custom Schedule: is a Time schedule that is created by the system admin or user, which defines the active and inactive time periods.
System Default Schedule: is a predefined time schedule in the system for default use. There are two predefined time schedules; i.e., "**Always**" and "**Never**".
Time Format: is a configurable system-level setting that defines the default system size of the time periods into '15-minute intervals' or '1-minute intervals'. The time format is a an administrative setting of the loop/cluster programming. All panels in a loop/cluster will use the same time format.
Crisis Mode Schedule: is simply the time schedule that is assigned to the crisis mode field in any part of the system programming - including Access Groups, door groups, and i/o groups - which the system will use during an 'active crisis mode'.
Special Day (Holiday): a specified day when the doors are not unlocked or access is not allowed. It is a specified day/date on the calendar that is treated differently than a "regular day" - such as a holiday or special observance. A special day might affect a half day or a whole day or make any other exception to the regular day or normal hourly schedule when the doors do not open or access is not allowed.

- First you will create the schedule(s) you need for the access permissions (this topic).
- After the Time Schedule is saved, you can assign the schedule to access groups in the Access Group Wizard (or the Access Group Editor screen). Access is granted to authorized doors in the group.
- And when the Access Group is saved, you can assigned the access group to an access card in the Add Card/Add Cardholder wizards; or in the Cardholder Editor screen if the cardholder already exists.

Schedules determine when a card has access to a door. The system will grant access during the green/active hours of the schedule.
NOTE: A card will not be granted access during inactive portion of the schedule.
Special days can be added to the schedule that will cause the schedule to behave differently than normal days. Special days are configured by the system administrator - i.e. full day, half day, etc.
When creating an access group, you can only assign one schedule to a door. However, there can be multiple doors in the access group, so you can assign a different schedule to each door. Likewise, you can assign the same schedule to every door in the group. Or you can mix and match, so to speak, perhaps some doors have the same schedule and some doors have different schedules. You can also omit some doors in the access group by simply not assigning a schedule to the door, which means the door is not authorized.
When you assign an access group to a card, you are giving the cardholder permission to access all the "authorized" doors in the group, during the "active" days and times are in the assigned schedules.

Access is granted if all these things are true ...
the access card is a valid card (card is active/not expired and not deactivated).
the card is presented to an authorized door/reader (in the access group).
the card presented during its active schedule (in the schedule assigned in the access group" ).
the cardholder is active (not inactive in cardholder information screen)
Access is denied if any of the following things are true ...
the card is presented at the wrong door/reader (access group programming or access permissions in cardholder editor)
the card is presented at the wrong time/wrong day (access group or schedule programming)
the card is not activated, or is expired, or has reached a usage limit
the card is deactivated (checkbox)
the cardholder is inactive in the system (inactive checkbox)
the card is not in the system (not enrolled)
There are two ways open the Time Schedules Wizard ...
- Go to the Dashboard and click the Add Time Schedules, under the Wizard section.
- Or click Add New button from the Time Schedule Editor (opened from the left side Menu. You might prefer this method if you need to search for the schedule to see if it is already added.
Click on thumbnails to open and close them.
× Schedule Wizard icon ( system default )
× LaunchPoint Dashboard
× Time Schedule Wizard screen
See Opening the Wizard above, if needed.
See Schedules Editor to modify an existing schedule, if needed.
- Click the ADD NEW button to launch the wizard.
- Select the Loop/Cluster (Location) that the Schedule will belong to.
- Enter an Schedule name - (mandatory) enter a name that is logical.
- If the schedule is affected by Special Days, check the Special Days checkbox.
- Click on the Time Period bars for each day of the week that you want to set active hours.
"Active" time periods are green, while inactive times are gray. - Click on the Special Days (Holiday Types) for each type you want to configure. You do not have to add special days.
- Click the SAVE button to save the new schedule.
- You can now assign the schedule to an access group.
See Add Access Group Wizard to use this schedule in a new access group.
See Access Group Editor to add this schedule to an existing access group.
NOTE: Clicking the DELETE button will delete a schedule.
See Related Topics
Add Card Add Cardholder Cardholder Look-up Add Access Group Edit Time Schedule Other Features